SANIPILL Disinfecting machine background image

SANIPILL Disinfecting machine

The worlds first & only proven equipment for completely sanitizing contaminated Pillows and Duvets!!!
Sanipill® is the first and only machine in the world equipped with ozone generator and hyperventilation, able to sanitize pillows, even internally, in a very short time and able to remove, with daily use, dust, pollen and organic residuals.

Uses ozone, a natural gas with a high oxidizing power

  • Has a strong destructive activity of bacteria and viruses.
  •  Has a major inhibitory action of molds, fungi and mites, which blocks their reproduction and makes their habitat inhospitable.
  • Has a pleasant deodorizing action.
  •  Avoids the use of chemical disinfectants and detergents


  • Daily usage significantly reduces the   charge of bacteria and viruses.
  •  Hyperventilation, determining element and essential part of the patent, produced by special fans at high speed, that force the penetration of ozone into all layers of the pillows.
  • The air friction and the vibration of special dividers, produced by hyperventilation, which makes dust, pollen and other particles drop down from the surface of pillows, thus making them hypoallergenic.